Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lions Eat Lambs visual

I'd recommend watching in at least 720p for great quality.

Last year, YouTube deleted my account, AngryChckProductions.
Every video I ever uploaded was lost, and I didn't have a back-up on my computer because I deleted them, thinking I'd never need them 'cause they were online. So, I'm slowly re-doing some videos.
Lions Eat Lambs is one of the first because it was the easiest to do.
It may be a little ridiculous to have a visual for a fan-fic, but it was fun, and it's nice to get back into a story in a different way. 
I still plan on posting outtakes to this, and possibly a prequel. We'll see how this year plays out.


  1. Wow! I loved that promo for "Lions Eat Lambs". It still remains one of my favorite Fics and I love seeing it on screen.

    Thank you for that!

    P.S...........I'm REALLY hoping you do more with the's one of those that I always think back to and I've read A LOT of FF! MORE PLEASE! :)

    AKA EdwardsVampTramp

  2. Thank you! I'd really like to finish up the outtakes I started. The meeting between Emmett and Edward is actually more of a prequel because it's so long.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the fic so much. =)
